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Website © 2014 Ben Collins

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A e r o d y n a m i c a r

Dormant Project

This website is the shop window for various aerodynamic vehicle concepts and components for transportation. Several designs are available for licencing, including component, truck, car, plane and boat concepts.

The Navig Aero aircraft project is very much active.

By improving aerodynamics we can boost performance and efficiency, meaning; less CO2 emissions, more economy, quieter cruising and faster speeds per kW - pretty much all for “free” with the right design.

In 2001-2 I twelve model trucks were built including three ”airgonomic” trucks fitted with a mid mounted CLP one stroke engine which drove the rear wheels and generated electricity for occassional driving of the other axles on demand. This is a neat compact package and gives the truck better weight distribution, lighter weight and most importantly a truck cab repackage for  better accommodation for the driver and better aerodynamics.

Better truck aerodynamics reduces haulage cost, emissions and makes goods in the shops cheaper for everyone.


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And then…..

The airgonomic concept and engine was shown to Volvo Powertrain in 2002 but they decided not to pursue it. It is difficult for manufacturers to cope with daily production, next generation and future generation - though it saddens me to think about this aerodynamic truck and the one stroke power, twelve years on.

How much fuel wasted and extra pollution could have been avoided?

Trucks remain inexplicably brick shaped except now their corners are radius 200mm not radius 50mm. Seems design-lazy to my eyes.

Elon Musk - Tesla - seems to have the answer - get rich first, borrow ½ billion from the US state and start manufacturing yourself - because

aerodynamic truck proposals are nothing new, here are two from the 80’s and 90’s. Getting truck manufacturers to change is difficult.

The website ”airgonomic” was sold to a Danish vacuum cleaner project in 2008. Unlike Colani’s effort, the Airgonomic truck uses sensible materials and glass shapes - it is still in my attic with three lengthy technical reports - one day! :)